I have compiled the questions below from past experiences and inquiries.
Q. What was your favorite country?
A. By far and away, people who knew me before I left want to know what was my favorite European country. There is no single, individual country I hold as a favorite. I spent a lot of time in the northern part of Italy, I walked across Spain and volunteered for over three months in the Czech Republic. There are many places in Europe that I'd like to return given the opportunity, budget and time.
Q. What countries did you visit in Europe?
A. In no particular order they are: England, Germany, Belgium, Scotland, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Slovenia, Wales, Spain, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Austria, The Netherlands and France.
Q. How long were you there?
A. I left in April 2001. I had planned to stay for, at least, an entire year but I needed to come back a little early since my bank went out of business. I returned home in February 2002, but left again in July 2002 and returned home once again in January 2003.
Q. What did you do for all that time?
A. During 2001 I did a volunteer project about every other month, beginning in May. These volunteer projects are also known as workcamps. They are typically 2 or 3 weeks in duration (though the one I did in 2002 was 4 weeks), centered on a general theme like social work, renovation, construction, ecology, etc and loads of fun. Between volunteer projects I traveled. After my workcamp in France at the end of 2001 and into 2002 I made a Camino de Santiago which took about 30 days. Upon returning later in 2002 I volunteered again on a 4 week project and then for a longer period in the Czech Republic, about 4 months.
Q. Where did you volunteer?
A. I have volunteered in the Czech Republic twice, France twice, Switzerland twice and Italy once,
Q. How did you finance yourself?
A. I financed all food, clothing, shelter and other expenses off my own savings. I worked in the IT infrastructure industry. Through the good fortune of my job it was easy for me to save. Making the decision to leave the comforts of my job was difficult, a decision that took about 2 years to make and months to hand-off, close and otherwise resolve open projects that were under my control at the time.
Q. What's with these new ads/banners on your homepage?
A. I am now being hosted at Webmasters.com, as I am very glad to be finally rid of Apollo Hosting. The folks here are highly competent, reliable and provide an industry leading service to the community. I have only placed their banner at the top of my homepage, and a smaller banner at the bottom. If you are interested in hosting your own website with Webmasters.com you can click on the banner. This will place a persistent cookie on your machine to identify my domain as the referrer in the event you sign up with Webmasters.com. In addition you will find banners at the bottom of my homepage that links to SpamCop.net and SpamPal.com.
Q. May I link to your site?
A. Sure.
Q. Are you still with Webmasters.com?
A. In June 2018 I migrated 1800getryan.com to Wix.com.