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October 2001

Mannenbach, Switzerland

My workcamp in Mannenbach, Switzerland was really an interesting experience.  First, the workcamp was very different than the previous hard labor workcamps.  Our job was to support Peace Brigades International during their conference and General Assembly.  My fellow workcamp volunteers and the PBI people were simply great.  We had such a good time it's hard to believe the time just flew by.

Camp Code: SwiSci3.1-01 
Start Date: 22-Oct-2001 
End Date: 3-Nov-2001 
Country: Switzerland 
Location: Mannenbach/Region of Bodensee 
Type: PEACE 
Ages: 18 and up 
Teen Camp: No 
Volunteers: 10 
VFP Fee: $200.00 
Extra Fee: $0.00 
Report Refund: $0.00
P: Since 20 years now Peace Brigades International (PBI) stands up for promoting nonviolence and for protecting human rights by sending of international teams of observer and by escorting threatened individuals and organizations in conflict regions. The camp will take place during the jubilee event and the General Assembly of PBI.. We will workout contributions about peace subjects to the conference and will support the delegates by caring about their well-being. W: Organization work, supporting the delegates and the organization committee S: Prepare a workshop about the theme Culture of Nonviolence and volunteering work A: Simple accommodation in the "Haus Mannenbach" Q: English necessary, Spanish and German is an asset.

T. B.
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