Made it back into Oxford from Bangor. It was a long bus ride, but there was some very nice country to look at and some decent weather. I had to buy a ticket from Birmingham to Oxford. I believe I fucked up and got the wrong ticket. I should have gotten one from Stratford-upon-avon to Oxford instead. Oh well, live and learn. The extra ticket cost £8, but if I remember correctly my ticket from Oxford to Stratford was only £4.
This morning when I left the hostel in Bangor the HI staff didn't say anything about my English buddies and I messing with Peter's car. I knew that English coach was a lying sack of shit about calling the police. So James and Josh were right, he was just trying to scare me. This makes since now after looking back on how the coach and Peter walked into my dorm room and then ran away like they pulled a fast one on me. Anyway, all is cool and I'm not in jail, which is interesting, one of the other guys in the Bangor hostel mentioned that it was a good day since we weren't in jail.
Anyway, when I got to Oxford I went grocery shopping and spent about £7 on food that might last most of the five days I'll be here. I also spent an hour down in my favorite internet cafe. They are still only charging £1 an hour, cool deal. I plan to head down there tomorrow at 10:00am and try to spend most of the day updating my web site. Hopefully Apollo Hosting wasn't shitting me about fixing the FTP problems. I'm hanging out in the hostel talking to people so I'll be signing off for now.